ENERGETIX in the Kingdom of Happiness

Bhutan wel­comes first-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers with the great­est of warmth 

It was prob­a­bly the most emo­tion­al train­ing trip that ENERGETIX has ever arranged for its top busi­ness part­ners in a com­pe­ti­tion. Deeply impressed, the par­tic­i­pants describe their expe­ri­ences. They expe­ri­enced what it means when a coun­try active­ly pro­motes ‘gross nation­al hap­pi­ness’. This hap­pi­ness radi­at­ed from the sparkling eyes of every res­i­dent of Bhutan.

The coun­try’s for­mer edu­ca­tion min­is­ter said that it was a world first that a com­pa­ny had organ­ised a train­ing trip to Bhutan. The min­is­ter helped our busi­ness part­ners to see and under­stand what it means to place the peo­ple them­selves at the cen­tre of all deci­sions. All projects revolve around the hap­pi­ness of indi­vid­u­als – a focus that in Bhutan has deliv­ered aston­ish­ing results.

Bud­dhism is the spir­i­tu­al basis for this strat­e­gy of hap­pi­ness, which was appar­ent in all its warmth in our per­son­al encoun­ters with monks and nuns in their monas­ter­ies and abbeys. A trip to the largest Bud­dha stat­ue was arranged – as was an out­ing to the Dzong-style Monastery of Punakha, the most impor­tant sacred site in Buddhism.

The busi­ness part­ners were able to expe­ri­ence that genial­i­ty and warmth also char­ac­terise per­son­al inter­ac­tion at the home of a farm­ing fam­i­ly.  The res­i­dents pre­pared dish­es typ­i­cal of the coun­try for the vis­i­tors and offered an insight into the very spe­cial world of the spices and plants that are to be found there.

Yes, the ascent was dif­fi­cult – first on horse­back and then on foot – but the guides‘ atten­tion and warmth made the effort seem small.  And so every­one made their way to the coun­try’s land­mark, the famous Tiger’s Nest. This is a monastery that incred­i­bly holds on to steep rocks and pro­vides an insight to archi­tec­ture that is unique in the world and that presents inde­scrib­able views. Undoubt­ed­ly the high­light of a trip to a coun­try where the phi­los­o­phy of the state has much in com­mon with ENER­GETIX’s own vision. Name­ly, the goal of pro­vid­ing peo­ple with the oppor­tu­ni­ty of a ful­filled life in a pro­fes­sion that’s fun and enjoy­able – some­thing that could have come straight from Bhutan’s principles.

This way to the pic­tures of this unique journey.