Frogs aren’t afraid of the rain. ENERGETIX, Joey Kelly and the half marathon for a good cause

Once again, a ded­i­cat­ed team of ENERGETIX run­ners took up the chal­lenge of con­quer­ing the good 21 kilo­me­tres in 2017. And mega-moti­va­tor Joey Kel­ly trav­elled to Mainz to accom­pa­ny his charges across the fin­ish­ing line once again. But ‘high and dry’ would­n’t be the right thing to say here because it rained on the said Sun­day and, although there were a few dry spells, every­one still got wet. The around 70 run­ners, how­ev­er, did­n’t let that spoil their fun in any way!

More than 5,700 par­tic­i­pants com­plet­ed the half marathon and a good 70 of these were eas­i­ly iden­ti­fi­able as ENERGETIX run­ners by their blue-and-red shirts. They had trained hard and had trav­elled from all over Ger­many and Aus­tria to join in the fun and bat­tle through kilo­me­tre by kilo­me­tre for them­selves and their team.

And Joey did his utmost to moti­vate his ENERGETIX team to make sure that lit­er­al­ly every­one got home with a medal. And he suc­ceed­ed. Con­grat­u­la­tions! The exhaust­ed and delight­ed expres­sions on the faces on the ‘Frog run­ners’ as they crossed the fin­ish­ing line speak volumes!

Imme­di­ate­ly after the run, the like­able and mul­ti-tal­ent­ed Joey had to head straight for the ZDF TV chan­nel after­wards where host Andrea Kiewel, his broth­ers and sis­ters and a delight­ed audi­ence await­ed a per­for­mance by the Kel­ly Family!

The day before, run­ners had been giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er every­thing about run­ning at the Marathon Fair in the Rhein­gold­halle. Also present: a stand orga­nized by ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners who pre­sent­ed the new two-tone design of the pop­u­lar sportEX bracelets in front of the smart new sportEX trade-fair wall.

Great tra­di­tion: the ENERGETIX team con­sist­ing of inde­pen­dent ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners, staff and friends of the com­pa­ny took up the sport­ing chal­lenge to run togeth­er for a good cause. Two euros per kilo­me­tre were again donat­ed to ENER­GETIX’s char­i­ty part­ner in South Africa, the Hugo-Tem­pel­man Foundation.

We would also like to thank the orga­niz­ing team and the mas­sage team, which was so impor­tant to the run­ners, for their active sup­port and all the fans who cheered the run­ners on along the route!

We have put togeth­er an exclu­sive com­pi­la­tion of the most mov­ing impres­sions of the mega event in Mainz for you here.