Fascinating port cities, an ancient theatre and an impressive safari with off-road vehicles to Mount Etna

Suc­cess with ENERGETIX always pays div­i­dends in sev­er­al ways. Those, for exam­ple, who are par­tic­u­lar­ly suc­cess­ful in the train­ing-trip com­pe­ti­tion are reward­ed with exclu­sive incen­tive trips!

Sun, sea and sand: qual­i­fiers for the 2nd cat­e­go­ry of ENER­GETIX’s train­ing-trip com­pe­ti­tion were sent off on a trip to Sici­ly from 16 to 20 May 2017!

BE A STAR – that was the mot­to for the just under 40-strong group of inter­na­tion­al par­tic­i­pants that had won the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the var­ied cul­tur­al and nat­ur­al sights on this pop­u­lar Mediter­ranean island. The group – this time com­posed of inde­pen­dent busi­ness part­ners from Ger­many, France, Aus­tria, Switzer­land and Turkey – was able to enjoy five days togeth­er in Mediter­ranean surroundings!

The par­tic­i­pants were based in the Vil­la Itria Grand Hotel in the port of Cata­nia from where they were able to take off on their plea­sure and adven­ture trips to the east­ern part of the island.

UNESCO World Her­itage: besides the explo­ration of the late baroque old town of Cata­nia and a trip to the old town of Syra­cuse, there was also a tour of the old town of Taormi­na with its ancient the­atre – and its mag­nif­i­cent back­drop and the breath­tak­ing dis­tant view – on the itinerary. 

One spe­cial high­light was the prob­a­bly unfor­get­table safari in off-road vehi­cles in the area around Mount Etna (3323 metres), the largest and most active vol­cano in Europe, which was fol­lowed by lunch served at a Sicil­ian vine­yard that includ­ed such spe­cial­i­ties as bruschet­ta, olives, cheese and, of course, the region’s sun-kissed wines.

The busi­ness-part­ner awards, which are a per­ma­nent fix­ture on every com­pe­ti­tion trip, were staged at the Farewell Din­ner that was held at the Scia­relle coun­try house.

And, besides the var­i­ous cul­tur­al and culi­nary high­lights, the strength­en­ing of team spir­it and the exchang­ing of expe­ri­ences also nat­u­ral­ly played an impor­tant role so that the par­tic­i­pants returned home high­ly moti­vat­ed and ready to get back to business!

We’ve put togeth­er the most beau­ti­ful impres­sions from Sici­ly in an on-line pho­to album exclu­sive­ly for you.