Freshly „baked“ – the sportEX bracelet

The sil­i­cone sportEX bracelet by ENERGETIX Bin­gen became quite a suc­cess almost imme­di­ate­ly after it was launched. The first deliv­ery sold out with­in just a few days and the demand for sub­se­quent ship­ments was extra­or­di­nar­i­ly high.

Full of inno­va­tion and qual­i­ty: the flex­i­ble sil­i­cone bracelet with inte­grat­ed neodymi­um magnets
The sil­i­cone sportEX bracelet that com­bines a beau­ti­ful and mod­ern design with extra­or­di­nary prac­ti­cal­i­ty comes with strong neodymi­um mag­nets that are encap­su­lat­ed in almost inde­struc­tible sil­i­cone – not only for a young and sport­ing audi­ence in bril­liant colours but also for all those who want to wear a robust bracelet even in demand­ing con­di­tions. A bracelet that will sur­vive the show­er, sauna, swim­ming pool and almost any oth­er sports, leisure, house­hold or hob­by activ­i­ty with­out suf­fer­ing any damage!

How is the sportEX bracelet made? 
ENERGETIX Bin­gen devel­oped and designed the sportEX bracelet and even close­ly super­vised the test batch and first pro­duc­tion runs. ENERGETIX also mon­i­tored the imple­men­ta­tion of its qual­i­ty stan­dards at site.

The pro­duc­tion of sportEX bracelets com­mences with a high-qual­i­ty sil­i­cone mass, which is man­u­fac­tured to sat­is­fy Euro­pean safe­ty stan­dards. The entire pro­duc­tion process is gov­erned by EU reg­u­la­tions (EC), which are based on the REACH sys­tem (Reg­is­tra­tion, Eval­u­a­tion, Autho­ri­sa­tion and Restric­tion of Chem­i­cals) that spec­i­fies the exclu­sive use of reg­is­tered mate­ri­als and the avoid­ance of haz­ardous sub­stances in prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured in accor­dance with the EC’s RoHS direc­tive (Restric­tion of (the use of cer­tain) haz­ardous sub­stances). These reg­u­la­tions apply to such high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts as cars, elec­tri­cal and elec­tron­ic appli­ances and, of course, to sportEX by ENERGETIX Bingen.

Raw sil­i­cone in rolls

The raw sil­i­cone is dyed in accor­dance with ENER­GETIX’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions – in this case a strong pink – and shaped to the right size.

Unfin­ished sil­i­cone bracelets in pink strips

The strips and three mag­nets per bracelet are then placed very care­ful­ly with great accu­ra­cy in a large press and pressed at a very high pres­sure and tem­per­a­ture for a pre­cise­ly defined peri­od of time – they are „baked“ so to speak! This is where the bracelets take their final shape and where the ENERGETIX let­ter­ing in clear writ­ing and Braille as well as all the design ele­ments are applied. This turns the raw sil­i­cone into a soft and flex­i­ble item of jew­ellery that is pleas­ant to wear.

Press (left) and mould (right)

In the next stage of work, the sportEX bracelets are tak­en out of the press to then be finished.

The sil­i­cone bracelets being care­ful­ly removed from the met­al mould

At this point in pro­duc­tion, the sports bracelets still pos­sess the unavoid­able residues from the press­ing stage on them. This indi­cates that suf­fi­cient mate­r­i­al was in the press and that no holes or hol­low spaces have spoilt the jewellery.

The raw sportEX product

After the excess sil­i­cone has been removed and the bracelets have been cleaned, a spe­cial pro­tec­tive film is applied that large­ly pre­vents them from attract­ing dust as is fre­quent­ly the case with cheap prod­ucts. The sportEX bracelets are fin­ished by plac­ing them in the sta­bi­liza­tion oven for an extend­ed peri­od of time.

The sequence of work described above shows how com­plex the pro­duc­tion of sportEX sil­i­cone bracelets actu­al­ly is. But it is only this elab­o­rate man­u­fac­tur­ing process that makes it pos­si­ble to guar­an­tee that the colour will last and that the bracelets will be suf­fi­cient­ly durable. It makes them stand out from many the mass-pro­duced and fre­quent­ly only injec­tion-mould­ed pieces on the mar­ket. And it is not with­out pride that Dr Thiel, COO at ENERGETIX, report­ed the suc­cess of „hav­ing been able to work with a renowned pro­duc­er to tech­ni­cal­ly struc­ture the rel­a­tive­ly com­plex process in such a way that we are able to guar­an­tee a mag­net­ic field strength of 1,200 per mag­net to our dis­trib­u­tors and cus­tomers in spite of the high pro­cess­ing temperature“.

So it only remains to wish every­body lots of fun with the new sports bracelets.