Franziska Knuppe: ENERGETIX Catalogue Launch participants can see the top model live in person

FROGBLOG read­ers are bound to remem­ber that Franziska Knuppe was the celebri­ty who took part in the 2012 Art Advent Cal­en­dar char­i­ty event with ENERGETIX and was depict­ed in the work of art behind the 15th door.


ENERGETIX has been able to extend its col­lab­o­ra­tion with her: she agreed to mod­el the pho­tos for the new cat­a­logue. So she stood in front of the cam­era – togeth­er with pop singer Ronan Keat­ing – for ENERGETIX. She can be seen in the new cat­a­logue for the 2013/2014 sea­son – with great jew­ellery and great out­fits (so much can already be revealed).

Par­tic­i­pants at the 2013 ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch should be dou­bly pleased: Franziska Knuppe will also be there at the mega event in Berlin.

About her: This inter­na­tion­al­ly suc­cess­ful mod­el (dis­cov­ered by cou­turi­er Wolf­gang Joop in a Pots­dam café) has walked the cat­walk for Issey Miyake, Vivi­enne West­wood and many oth­er fash­ion design­ers and labels and posed for numer­ous renowned star pho­tog­ra­phers like Peter Lind­bergh, Jim Rakete, Iris Brosch, Rox­anne Low­it and Kris­t­ian Schuller. The cool blonde has been the face of numer­ous cam­paigns – e.g. for Tri­umph, Joop, Oasis and Reebok — and adorned the cov­ers of Cos­mopoli­tan, Marie Claire, the Ger­man Elle, and oth­er magazines.