Berlin, here we come!

In a few days’ time every­body – both dis­trib­u­tors and ENERGETIX staff – will be mak­ing their way to Berlin, to the 2013 ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch. It will be the first time in Germany’s trendy cap­i­tal. And Rea Gar­vey, Ingo Nomm­sen, Joey Kel­ly, Ralf Bauer and many more will also be board­ing their planes, trains and cars in order to appear on the big stage on time on 31 August.


Every­one at ENERGETIX head­quar­ters in Bin­gen is work­ing – hand in hand -– to make it an unfor­get­table week­end and the excite­ment is almost tan­gi­ble. How will dis­trib­u­tors and guests react to the atmos­phere and ambiance of the Estrel Con­ven­tion Cen­tre and to the items on the train­ing and the gala pro­grammes? Can this year’s Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin be even bet­ter than last year’s awe­some event?


And what will be the reac­tions to the eager­ly await­ed jew­ellery in the new col­lec­tion? At an in-house pre­sen­ta­tion to the ENERGETIX staff a few days ago the new cre­ations met with a great reception.

We will know more in a few days’ time: let the show begin!

NB: To get in the mood, you can take anoth­er look at the high­lights of the 2012 ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch here.