Dedicated running training: Liesje Tempelman talks about her personal experiences

„When I reg­is­tered for the Mainz Half Marathon, I had nev­er run such a long dis­tance in all my life! So I asked a few expe­ri­enced friends and they all said, ‚Start off slow­ly‘. And that’s exact­ly what Hugo and I did: we ran three times a week and increased our run­ning very slow­ly. At first it was more walk­ing than run­ning. But we did a minute more each day and even­tu­al­ly it was more run­ning than walk­ing. After four weeks we had built up to four min­utes run­ning and one minute walk­ing – we did this four times in suc­ces­sion, so 20 min­utes in all. Then we ran a minute longer every week but kept the minute of walk­ing in between. In the begin­ning it was hard but now I’m start­ing to enjoy it. 

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At present we are on hol­i­day in Mozam­bique and run every day on the beach. Some­times the sand is very soft, which makes it more dif­fi­cult for us. It’s even more of a chal­lenge, too, because of the heat and the strong wind. 

We now run between 45 min­utes and an hour and put in a minute of walk­ing from time to time to get our breath back. Thanks to the phys­i­cal exer­tion, I feel in real­ly great shape and I’m pleased that I’m grad­u­al­ly get­ting fit­ter. I feel full of ener­gy and sleep bet­ter. In Jan­u­ary I’ll be run­ning 10 km for the first time. My goal is to take not much more than an hour. Hope­ful­ly that’s not too ambitious… 

I hope we’ll see lots of ENERGETIX shirts in Mainz. It’ll be a great expe­ri­ence and should be great fun, too. Hap­py train­ing!!“ (Lies­je Tem­pel­man, Hugo Tem­pel­man Foundation)