2013 world champion David Schnabel, the most successful artistic cyclist of all time, wears sportEX

sportEX_DavidSchnabel_GP KarinChristMuch to the delight of David Schn­abel, com­mit­ted ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tor Karin Christ „spon­sored“ the artis­tic cycling ath­lete with two sportEX bracelets and a sportEX sports shirt (many thanks for the photo!).

With his eight World Cham­pi­onship titles, David Schn­abel is the most suc­cess­ful artis­tic cyclist in the his­to­ry of indoor cycling and holds the cur­rent world record for sin­gle artis­tic cycling.

More infor­ma­tion about David Schn­abel is also avail­able at www.david-schnabel.de