Brainstorming under the sign of the Frog: jewellery designer meeting in Bingen

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Janine Eisen­hauer with her inter­na­tion­al team

ENERGETIX Bin­gen’s head of jew­ellery design Janine Eisen­hauer invit­ed the mem­bers of her inter­na­tion­al jew­ellery design­er team to col­lect ideas togeth­er and devel­op new con­cepts. So they all got togeth­er on 29–30 Novem­ber 2012 for an inspir­ing meet­ing in the com­pa­ny’s offices in Bin­gen am Rhein.


Work­ing out new ideas: the ENERGETIX jew­ellery designers

In addi­tion to Mar­cel­la Fer­ret­ti and Brit­ta Rejek who work in Bin­gen, Janine Eisen­hauer’s team includes three ‚exter­nal‘ jew­ellery design­ers work­ing in oth­er places: Silke Prot­tung, Johan­na Spath, Johannes Tsopanides and Robin Ash­by from the UK. ENERGETIX art direc­tor Jörg Ole­jnik joined them to get an impres­sion of the new col­lec­tion for his graph­ics work on the catalogue.

The meet­ing focused on devel­op­ing fresh ideas for future ENERGETIX col­lec­tions and iden­ti­fy­ing new themes that will then be fleshed out by the jew­ellery designers.

Quo vadis?
The course was set for future cre­ations dur­ing these days in Bin­gen. But what styl­is­tic direc­tions will the red ENERGETIX frog take next season?



We can­not reveal too much at this point, of course – all we can say is that the pro­gramme includes fur­ther devel­op­ment of exist­ing cat­e­gories, improve­ment of the jew­ellery sys­tems and sat­is­fac­tion of dis­trib­u­tors‘ wishes.

From min­i­mal­ist to glam­orous, from sym­bol­ic to del­i­cate and roman­ti­cal­ly play­ful — the spec­trum of themes devised for the 2013/2014 col­lec­tion is very var­ied. As well as good luck sym­bols, large stones and nature motifs, oth­er fun­ny mon­sters and new mate­ri­als are planned. One thing is cer­tain: it will be a colour­ful collection!

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It will be inter­est­ing to see what imag­i­na­tive cre­ations Janine Eisen­hauer’s high­ly moti­vat­ed design team will sur­prise us with in the future.

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The jew­ellery design­er team with ENERGETIX sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster
(2nd from right) and art direc­tor Jörg Ole­jnik (right)