„Allez les grenouilles rouges“ Start-of-year event in Toulouse: meeting of French, English and Swiss distributors

The start-of-year train­ing orga­nized by Josette Desas­sis for the French, Eng­lish and Swiss ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors in her down­line was held in the south­ern French city of Toulouse from 18 to 20 Jan­u­ary 2013. Around 120 com­mit­ted and high­ly moti­vat­ed dis­trib­u­tors accept­ed her invitation.

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As a pre­lude to the week­end pro­gramme, par­tic­i­pants were tak­en on a guid­ed tour of the city on the Fri­day after­noon. It gave them a wel­come oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know the city of Toulouse, with its Capi­tole and the Romanesque Saint Sernin Basil­i­ca, as well as get to know one anoth­er — in chilly win­ter temperatures!

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Train­ing with Nadine Coquillat

On the Sat­ur­day, STARCLUB mem­ber Josette Desas­sis wel­comed the guests and opened the start-of-year event. Then came a train­ing ses­sion with Nadine Coquil­lat, who addressed the top­ics of how to enhance per­for­mance and self-confidence.
After this Fabi­enne Chaboud, a dis­trib­u­tor with 15 years‘ expe­ri­ence as a jew­ellery expert, offered a wealth of tips on how to pro­fes­sion­al­ly and effec­tive­ly orga­nize pre­sen­ta­tion tables.

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Fabi­enne Chaboud gave expert advice on how to opti­mize jew­ellery presentations

A par­tic­u­lar trib­ute was paid to the most suc­cess­ful dis­trib­u­tors, who received spe­cial awards for their achievements.

Sun­day’s pro­gramme start­ed with a sem­i­nar on online train­ing con­duct­ed by Anke Hesse-Michaelis, fol­lowed by mar­ket­ing plan train­ing with Michel Obéron and Anke Hesse-Michaelis. The Eng­lish dis­trib­u­tors were able to fol­low all the train­ing thanks to pro­fes­sion­al simul­ta­ne­ous translation.


Josette Desas­sis, Michel and Marie-Lau­re Obéron and ENERGETIX sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster (left to right)

Sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster pre­sent­ed the eager­ly await­ed new Spring Brochure and delight­ed par­tic­i­pants with news about ENERGETIX.
Josette Desas­sis intro­duced var­i­ous train­ing mod­ules and con­clud­ed the the­mat­ic part of the week­end with an address on team build­ing, team analy­sis and devel­op­ment control.

Josette Desas­sis par­tic­u­lar­ly thanked Anke Hesse-Michaelis, who act­ed as a trans­la­tor for Eng­lish, French and Ger­man and ensured a relaxed atmos­phere by per­form­ing the song „Sim­ply the Best“ with the dis­trib­u­tors. For the STARCLUB mem­bers, who had pre­vi­ous­ly been award­ed cer­tifi­cates, the evening end­ed in good spir­its in a fash­ion­able restaurant.

The 2013 start-of-year event in Toulouse shows that the con­cept of inten­sive moti­va­tion and train­ing prac­tised by Josette Desas­sis, with dis­trib­u­tor com­pe­ti­tion, is very effec­tive. The time invest­ed is reward­ed by a boost in every­one’s moti­va­tion and above-aver­age sales increases!