2015 Half Marathon in Mainz – professional massages by business partners appreciated by our runners!

ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners had again turned up at this year’s race to get our run­ners fit with pro­fes­sion­al mas­sages both before and after the event! Jean­nette Bal and Car­o­line Rijs­dijk had trav­elled espe­cial­ly from the Nether­lands and Bel­gium respec­tive­ly to join in the fun and active­ly sup­port the team!

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Dutch duo: Jean­nette Bal – ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ner and mas­sage spe­cial­ist – mas­sag­ing Lies­je Tem­pel­man, co-founder of the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foundation.

“We gave 23 run­ners mas­sages. Six of them came to us before the run (includ­ing Lies­je Tem­pel­man) in the hope that a mas­sage would help them get off to a bet­ter start. They told us after the event that they felt they were able to run bet­ter than they had expect­ed. We also gave mas­sages to run­ners after the race to help them regen­er­ate more quick­ly in the peri­od fol­low­ing their efforts.”

Jean­nette Bal has attend­ed the event since ENERGETIX first start­ed tak­ing part; it was the sec­ond time for Car­o­line Rijs­dijk. The two mas­sage pro­fes­sion­als are already arrang­ing their sched­ule for next year’s event and are hop­ing that oth­er mas­sage spe­cial­ists will be join­ing them to help them get even more run­ners fit for the race with mag­net massages.

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Car­o­line Rijs­dijk from Bel­gium relax­es the mus­cles of one of the run­ners in the large ENERGETIX team through the appli­ca­tion of pro­fes­sion­al mas­sage techniques.

“We real­ly enjoy being a part of the Mainz-Marathon fam­i­ly and are hap­py to be able to con­tribute with the mag­net mas­sages. It’s also a bril­liant feel­ing when some­body is real­ly grate­ful for feel­ing much bet­ter when they get up from the mas­sage table. We’ve got a great job.”

Hugo Tem­pel­man Foundation

“Hugo and Lies­je Tem­pel­man attend­ed the marathon for the first time last year and were excit­ed about the efforts being under­tak­en for the chil­dren in Elands­doorn. That’s why we spon­ta­neous­ly decid­ed to donate one euro from each Mag­net­Peb­ble we sold dur­ing our mas­sage work­shops. This year was the first time that we were able to make a dona­tion to help arrange some­thing nice for the chil­dren in the choir.”

Find out more about the work that the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion does at www.hugo-tempelman-stiftung.de
