World-record attempt successful: congratulations, Joey!

Joey Kel­ly sad­dled up on Thurs­day, 21 Novem­ber 2013, with the aim of set­ting an absolute­ly crazy record dur­ing the RTL TV chan­nel’s telethon: to ride a bull non-stop for 24 hours! And, indeed, Joey Kel­ly hung on and sur­vived the ordeal! Joey Kel­ly now holds the first ever record for „stay­ing on an elec­tri­cal bull“!


The 24-hour record man

Joey’s mad record attempts dur­ing RTL’s telethons have become cult… he already holds the records for stay­ing „on a spin­ning ‚Dev­il’s Wheel‘ “, „on a tightrope“, „under water“ and „on an esca­la­tor“ for 24 hours!
He unfor­tu­nate­ly did­n’t make it to the sin­gles‘ final of this year’s TV total Turm­sprin­gen (High-Div­ing Cham­pi­onship) last week­end. But he did reach the syn­chro­nized div­ing finals with Peter Imhof where he came fourth. He was prob­a­bly still feel­ing the 24 hours on the elec­tric bull in his bones.