Volcanic rock and deep blue sea: the training trip to Lanzarote

DSCN0715The sec­ond-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers trav­elled to the most norther­ly of the sev­en large Canary Islands – to Lan­zarote – under the mot­to of „Land­scapes and Pas­sion“! From 7 to 10 June, the 32 par­tic­i­pants were able to dis­cov­er the many facets of the pop­u­lar hol­i­day island in the Atlantic Ocean. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Absolute­ly unique 
In 1993, Lan­zarote was the first entire island to be declared a bios­phere reserve by UNESCO. The sparse beau­ty is due to the vol­canic ori­gins and the fact that the island is the dri­est of all the Canary Islands. Due to its spe­cial geo­log­i­cal and geo­log­i­cal con­di­tions, a very spe­cial method of grow­ing wine on lapil­li (vol­canic ash, which is also called Picón) has devel­oped. The group was able to enjoy the fruits of this tra­di­tion at a wine-tast­ing in La Geria.

DSCN0872Nature, art and Mediter­ranean lifestyle
The nature-prox­i­mate art of the Span­ish painter, archi­tect, sculp­tor and envi­ron­men­tal activist, César Man­rique (1919–1992), is to be found all over Lan­zarote. The artist achieved suc­cess with his plan to turn the island that was his home into one of the most beau­ti­ful places in the world. The group was able to admire some of his works, which include wall mosaics and vaults cut out the vol­canic rock.160617_Bildleiste_Rallye_dg


The ral­ly across the island, the webi­nar pro­vid­ed by busi­ness part­ners, Ulrich Lang and Karin and Klaus Beck­er and Biba Marseglia, the breath­tak­ing trip on a cata­ma­ran to the neigh­bour­ing island of La Gra­ciosa and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dive, swim and, of course, spend some relax­ing time togeth­er in the bril­liant sun­shine were just a few of the trip’s highlights. 160617_Bildleiste_Reling_dg



The group was pleas­ant­ly mixed as it was made up of moti­vat­ed inde­pen­dent busi­ness part­ners from Ger­many, France, the Nether­lands and Switzer­land. ‘Old hands’ were also there as were ‘new­com­ers’, who rep­re­sent the future of ENERGETIX. And the best thing was: every­one ben­e­fit­ed from talk­ing and chat­ting to each oth­er and hear­ing about the oth­ers‘ experiences!

We’ve put togeth­er the most beau­ti­ful impres­sions from this mag­nif­i­cent train­ing trip for you in an on-line pho­to album.