Ultra marathon runner Felix Knopp wears sportEX

We are delight­ed to note that sportEX is gain­ing promi­nence in more and more sports, as shown by top pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes and com­mit­ted amateurs.


sportEX bracelets

Ultra marathon run­ner Felix Knopp from the town of Much is the clas­sic exam­ple of a very suc­cess­ful sports­man who wears sportEX.

This can be seen in a short WDR TV report (of 27 March 2013) in the chan­nel’s „Lokalzeit aus Bonn“ pro­gramme, which shows Felix Knopp check­ing the paths of the Natursteig Sieg, a 115 km long-dis­tance nature trail, in dou­ble-quick time. He is vis­i­bly wear­ing a feath­er­weight sportEX bracelet… a light green one!



This 41-year-old mem­ber of the LLG St. Augustin club is a ded­i­cat­ed cross coun­try run­ner with impres­sive ultra marathon sta­tis­tics. True to the mot­to „Run to the lim­it“, this extreme ath­lete appar­ent­ly checks the entire trail at the run. The ultra races he has com­plet­ed include the 100 km Biel Run and the 50 km West­er­wald Run, which he won in 2010 in a time of 4 hours and exact­ly 10 minutes.