There’s no stopping this sportsman – Joey Kelly wins in two categories of the Stock Car Crash Challenge 2013


The time had come again at the week­end when „The Grand TV total Stock Car
Crash Chal­lenge“ was staged at the Veltins Are­na in Gelsenkirchen
(„Auf Schalke“).

PQ7B0822The TV spec­ta­cle by and with the enter­tain­er, Ste­fan Raab, that was broad­cast on the Ger­man ProSieben chan­nel attract­ed around 1.66 mil­lion view­ers. And 12 ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors were able to enjoy the event live because they had qual­i­fied in the com­pe­ti­tion to make the best Per­son­al Sales Vol­ume to expe­ri­ence the event up close as a team in the com­pa­ny of the CIO, Alexan­der Link.


The dis­trib­u­tors wit­nessed Joey’s tri­umphant dou­ble vic­to­ry as he won two events. He came first in the top 3000 ccm cat­e­go­ry and in the Car­a­van Crash Cup.

We say, „Con­grat­u­la­tions, Joey! Keep up the good work!“


Joey Kel­ly and Ernst Maas

Have you seen it? On Mon­day, 14 Octo­ber 2013, we post­ed a pho­to of Joey on the der ENERGETIX Face­book page. The sportEX bracelets that Joey wore dur­ing the chal­lenge are clear­ly visible!