The winners of the FROGBLOG on-line prize draw have been determined

CD Cover MennaFive win­ners may look for­ward to receiv­ing Men­na Muluge­ta’s CD – „Free“! Con­grat­u­la­tions to:

Bir­git Back­haus (D)
John Bakker (NL)
Rose­lyne Emery (F)
Ger­da Nehls (D)
Viviane Rim­bert (F)

Men­na has also signed auto­graph cards for the win­ners. The prizes will be sent to the lucky win­ners over the next few days. We hope you enjoy these songs that are per­formed by Men­na Muluge­ta with such feeling.

By the way: guests at ENER­GETIX’s 2014 Cat­a­logue Launch will be able to expe­ri­ence Men­na Muluge­ta live at the „Get Togeth­er“ (on Sun­day, 31 August)!