Tessi is now called temEX

The pop­u­lar ENERGETIX app for Android mobiles to „scan“ the mag­net­ic flow has a new name: from now on it is called „temEX“!


ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors can down­load temEX free of charge from Google Play. Just enter „Ener­getix temEX“ in the search func­tion at Google Play, select the app and down­load temEX. The down­load starts once the request is confirmed.


If the app finds a mag­net­ic flow when scan­ning, the inten­si­ty of colour of the big ENERGETIX frog in the dis­play area changes.

You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion on temEX in the dis­trib­u­tor access area at energetix.tv.

The fol­low­ing link, opened on an Android mobile (2.3.3 Gin­ger­bread or lat­er), takes you straight to temEX in the Google Play Store: http://www.energetix.mobi/temex


NB: Dis­trib­u­tors who have already down­loaded the app under its old name will receive an auto­mat­ic update.