Strong cultures: Kenya, day 1, Nairobi

„Hel­lo dis­trib­u­tors, this is Kenya calling!

We’re report­ing from the coun­try’s cap­i­tal, Nairo­bi, to tell you about the first day of the ENERGETIX trip for the prize-win­ners in the Strong Cul­tures Com­pe­ti­tion. Tired and weary from the 10-hour flight via Abu Dhabi but hap­py and in high spir­its. The dis­trib­u­tors have used the time to talk shop with one anoth­er and to con­vince the oth­er pas­sen­gers about our jew­ellery – as always, no oppor­tu­ni­ty is spared.


We haven’t all arrived yet. One plane arrived in Frank­furt so late that 3 qual­i­fiers had to take the next flight and are still on their way, but Sjaak Janssen will tell you about that later.

What can I say? There’s a real­ly great atmos­phere, which reached a crescen­do when we were joined by 6 qual­i­fiers from our Puer­to Rican license hold­er’s team who have been here since yes­ter­day. If you know them, you’ll know what I mean!

One high­light was the lunch we had in a lodge, with at least 10 kinds of meat from the spit, siz­zled over a gigan­tic open fire. Roland Förster offi­cial­ly wel­comed every­one once again. Here on the Equa­tor, the day draws to a close very slow­ly. Inci­den­tal­ly it is cold­er here than in Europe — after all, it’s winter.


We’ll be send­ing fur­ther reports. We want to share our expe­ri­ences with you, to moti­vate you to qual­i­fy for a sim­i­lar trip your­selves and, above all, to tell you about the peo­ple whose out­stand­ing work has earned them this unfor­get­table experience!

The excite­ment is grow­ing — pass on the word about it and share it with your colleagues.

Till tomor­row then,

Klaus-Peter Thiel“
Mem­ber of the Man­age­ment Board and COO

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First impres­sions from Sjaak Janssen, the Netherlands:

Our first day. We all met at Frank­furt Air­port. But the plane of Renée Piquet, Patri­cia Ducret and Nadia Mar­ti­na com­ing from Switzer­land was delayed and could­n’t reach the flight from Frank­furt. It’s a pity but we orga­nized a hotel and the next flight and they will arrive tomor­row morn­ing here. It’s good that we have Petra Schme­ing, the Event Man­ag­er, on board to straight­en it out. We hope Joset­te’s suit­case will also come then and every­body will be happy!

It is very nice to get togeth­er from many coun­tries and we all look for­ward to spend 8 won­der­ful days in Africa as one big ENERGETIX family!“