The perfect meeting: STARCLUB in Oestrich-Winkel on 4 and 5 May

The weath­er was rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the atmos­phere to be expe­ri­enced at the lat­est STARCLUB meet­ing: per­fect and clear! Add to that a hotel full of charm with a fan­tas­tic view of the Rhine Val­ley – the mem­bers who had trav­elled from Den­mark, the Nether­lands, France, Switzer­land and Ger­many were not only very sat­is­fied with this atmos­phere, they were also very hap­py with the man­age­men­t’s pre­sen­ta­tions. Roland Förster, Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link shared insights into the com­pa­ny’s recent devel­op­ments while pro­vid­ing an out­look for its future and thus kicked off a live­ly exchange with busi­ness partners.

There were mov­ing moments when the new STARCLUB mem­bers were wel­comed. It became clear that being award­ed the com­pa­ny’s high­est dis­tinc­tion for the first time is some­thing very spe­cial and cre­ates high­est lev­els of moti­va­tion in all those who receive the honours.

The next day saw the group explore the beau­ti­ful Rhein­gau region on Seg­ways. The ini­tial respect for the vehi­cle quick­ly gave way to enthu­si­as­tic smiles on the par­tic­i­pants‘ faces. A small ral­ly was lots of fun where­by the weath­er con­tributed considerably. 

A very suc­cess­ful meeting!

This way to more photos.