Joey Kelly breaks world record with ENERGETIX

Joey Kel­ly is a mem­ber of the Kel­ly Fam­i­ly and sportEX brand ambas­sador and – as an extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty – he nev­er likes to miss out on a sport­ing chal­lenge. So it was only nat­ur­al that he also decid­ed to take part in the telethon host­ed by the RTL tele­vi­sion chan­nel in Ger­many, which is one of the biggest char­i­ty cam­paigns in Ger­man broadcasting.

This year’s chal­lenge was the ‘24-hour Urban Run’. This meant run­ning for 24 hours on a 375-metre long obsta­cle course. But he wasn’t alone: a total of 20 com­pa­ny teams joined him at the start­ing line as part of the world record attempt with the aim of help­ing chil­dren in need in Ger­many and the rest of the world with their dona­tions. And because Joey Kel­ly and ENERGETIX belong togeth­er just as much as ENERGETIX and social com­mit­ment do, it was agreed that the Bin­gen-based net­work-mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny would join in the activ­i­ties again in 2018! Because social respon­si­bil­i­ty and team spir­it are two of ENERGETIX’s absolute pri­or­i­ties. Besides par­tic­i­pat­ing in the RTL telethon (this year for the fourth time run­ning!), ENERGETIX also fields a team every year to run for good caus­es in the Guten­berg Half Marathon in Mainz.

The start­ing gun was fired at 6.30 p.m. on 22 Novem­ber when RTL’s telethon and the 24-hour chal­lenge went live on air. The 25-strong ENERGETIX team joined Joey Kel­ly as well as Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link of the man­age­ment to face the dif­fi­cult challenge.

Equipped with the inno­v­a­tive and styl­ish sportEX bracelets and an ENERGETIX cap, Joey com­plet­ed lap after lap for 24 hours with­out a break in the com­pa­ny of the oth­er teams able and was in this way able to break the world record for the »longest team relay dis­tance over an extreme obsta­cle course (24 hours, mixed)«!

Instead of the 2,000 kilo­me­tres on the obsta­cle course that was required for the ‘24-hour Urban Run’, a total of 3,435.8 kilo­me­tres was cov­ered in 24 hours. Com­pa­nies that donat­ed 24,000 euros were able to secure their par­tic­i­pa­tion in advance – which in itself had raised almost half a mil­lion euros before the chal­lenge even start­ed! View­ers and celebri­ties were in this way able to raise a total of 8,604,481.00 euros through their many dif­fer­ent activ­i­ties dur­ing the 23rd RTL telethon with Wol­fram Kons for chil­dren in need in Ger­many and across the world. ENERGETIX was able to con­tribute 70,000 euros to this grand total.

We’ve put togeth­er the most beau­ti­ful impres­sions from these unfor­get­table 24 hours for a good cause in a jam-packed on-line album for you. We hope you enjoy it!