New: The „List of the Best“ business partner presentation in the form of an interview!


ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners may look for­ward to our updat­ed list of the best:

We’ll now be pre­sent­ing a busi­ness part­ner / cou­ple exclu­sive­ly each month. And we’ll be doing so in the shape of an inter­est­ing inter­view with ques­tions about busi­ness and mat­ters not relat­ed to work that will be chang­ing each month!

All ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners all over the world will def­i­nite­ly ben­e­fit from these top busi­ness part­ners‘ very per­son­al opin­ions, expe­ri­ences and use­ful tips – be they ‚old hands‘ or ‚new­bies‘!

Look for­ward to the new list of the best – the first of its kind, the June 2015 list is com­ing soon!