More cars bearing the ENERGETIX logo on the road in Europe

Sev­er­al ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners were over recent weeks and months hap­py to receive their new cars from the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme. Inde­pen­dent busi­ness part­ners in France, the Nether­lands, Den­mark and Ger­many are now trav­el­ling to their cus­tomers, fairs and mar­kets in their new ‘brand­ed’ cars.

◾Ciselle Elgers (NL)
◾Inge Møller Nielsen (DK)
◾Clau­dine Guil­lard (F)
◾Kor­nelia und Oth­mar Rom­bach (D)
◾Wilma Sen­gers und Henk van der Horst (NL)
◾Marie-Lau­re und Michel Obéron (F)


◾Melanie Holken­brink (D)
◾Isabel­la Smykalla (D)
◾Andreas Räwel (D)
◾Wolf­gang Düsen­er (D)
◾Uwe Heinzel­mann (D)



We wish the hap­py recip­i­ents lots of fun with the new cars and con­tin­ued success.