A magnificent day in Berlin as the kick-off to the Collection Premiere weekend: International STARCLUB get-together in Berlin!

The best of the best, the inter­na­tion­al STARCLUB, got togeth­er on Thurs­day, August 31, two days before the 2017 Col­lec­tion Pre­miere, to get in the mood for the most impor­tant event of the year at ENERGETIX.

After shar­ing a lunch snack at the ESTREL Hotel, ENERGETIX own­er and CEO Roland Förster warm­ly greet­ed his stars. Togeth­er with CMO Jes­si­ca Schlick and CIO/COO Alexan­der Link, he intro­duced the new STARCLUB mem­bers and pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion on the lat­est com­pa­ny devel­op­ments and plans.

To everyone’s delight, every STARCLUB mem­ber there was exclu­sive­ly pre­sent­ed with the newest well­ness prod­uct from ENERGETIX, which would not be pre­sent­ed to the entire busi­ness part­ner­ship until the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere: Mag­net­Com­fort, the bril­liant neck pil­low with inte­grat­ed magnets!

Ful­ly reflect­ing the cor­po­rate colours of ENERGETIX, chic out­fits in the company’s colours of dark blue and fiery red were called for that evening. The diverse and very indi­vid­ual ENERGETIX looks were anoth­er high­light of this fan­tas­tic day!

See for your­self: We have put togeth­er a selec­tion of the loveli­est pic­tures from the STARCLUB get-togeth­er for you here.

Depart­ing right from the jet­ty in front of the hotel, the stars took a very relaxed jour­ney by boat in the ear­ly evening to the White Spree Lounge, the exclu­sive loca­tion of the 15th anniver­sary par­ty. Sparkling wine in the com­pa­ny colours of blue and red, a deli­cious buf­fet, food fresh off the grill and a beau­ti­ful view of the riv­er Spree all con­tributed to the high-spir­it­ed atmosphere.

At this event as well, the won­der­ful bond­ing and the live­ly exchange of infor­ma­tion was obvi­ous between the STARCLUB mem­bers who had trav­elled to Berlin from Aus­tria, Bel­gium, Den­mark, France, the Nether­lands, Puer­to Rico, Switzer­land and Turkey, as well as all over Ger­many. Before the cel­e­bra­tions moved to the dance floor, the stars were able to enjoy their fes­tive awards and an exclu­sive jew­ellery gift from the brand-new collection!