Hitchhiking to success … Newcomer Marika Thomas promptly wins a Mercedes leasing contract at the Collection Premiere!

Our busi­ness part­ner Won­ja Koch

Our suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ner Won­ja Koch was return­ing home from a home par­ty in Pforzheim on a Sat­ur­day in May 2017 when she noticed some­one thumb­ing a lift from the side of the road. Won­ja stopped to help in spite of ini­tial mis­giv­ings. It turned out that the young woman – Mari­ka Thomas – was on her way to Stuttgart – which was a stroke of luck because Won­ja was also on her way to the state cap­i­tal of Baden-Würt­tem­berg around 50 kilo­me­tres away.

Mari­ka had­n’t had a great day; so it was real­ly lucky that Won­ja and her smart Shoot­ing Brake from the ENERGETIXDRIVE  pro­gramme and brand­ed with ENER­GETIX’s frog stopped – thus intro­duc­ing ENERGETIX to her life.

Mari­ka climbed in and the two start­ed chat­ting. She was sur­prised to find that Won­ja  (active since 2011) was still in such a good mood after fin­ish­ing work so Won­ja told her that she had just earned a few hun­dred euros. At the end of the trip, Won­ja gave her an issue of ‘Healthy at last’ and the cur­rent EX Mag­a­zine, in which there’s also a report about Wonja.

“We’re both 30 years old. And we sim­ply gelled!”

Mari­ka imme­di­ate­ly took the Mon­day off to join Won­ja at a home par­ty. The evening’s sales totalling 1,800 euros was anoth­er aspect that made her think about join­ing ENERGETIX and so the next day she imme­di­ate­ly signed up!

“Mari­ka went full throt­tle with ENERGETIX!”

Mari­ka Thomas at the 2017 ENERGETIX Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in Berlin

She was able to secure her tick­et for ENER­GETIX’s Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. And then some­thing amaz­ing hap­pened: she also won one of the three cov­et­ed leas­ing con­tracts for a car from the ENERGETIXDRIVE part­ner pro­gramme at the grand anniver­sary raf­fle. The whole team was absolute­ly thrilled! So Mari­ka, like her men­tor, now dri­ves a Shoot­ing Brake brand­ed with ENER­GETIX’s logo!

ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment on the stage with the three hap­py win­ners of the ENERGETIXDRIVE leas­ing con­tracts: Gabriele Baumgärt­ner, Mari­ka Thomas and Eva-Maria Renner

Marika’s part­ner is also ful­ly behind her activ­i­ties and sup­ports her wher­ev­er he can. She can see her­self doing more with ENERGETIX in the future – even doing it full-time at some point!

Won­ja Koch: “Mari­ka went full throt­tle with ENERGETIX!”

Won­ja has proved that it always pays to talk about ENERGETIX jew­ellery and the bril­liant busi­ness idea wher­ev­er you are. Because this amaz­ing his­to­ry about two win­ners again shows that almost any sit­u­a­tion and any place rep­re­sent an oppor­tu­ni­ty to start talk­ing about the unique career poten­tial that net­work mar­ket­ing with ENERGETIX has to offer: becom­ing a con­fi­dent ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ner in just three days – an authen­tic suc­cess sto­ry that prob­a­bly only ENERGETIX could have ‘writ­ten’.

And per­haps Mari­ka will one day pick up a hitch­hik­er in her Mer­cedes and then also win a new team mem­ber in this unusu­al way!