High earnings at fairs and markets: Interview with Ulrike Lemmel and Hans-Joachim Stolz

They’ve used their motorhome right from the start. This impres­sive vehi­cle has room for four peo­ple, so Ulrike Lem­mel and Hans-Joachim Stolz (who have been work­ing as ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors since Novem­ber 2002) like to take two or three of their new recruits along with them to events, which often last sev­er­al days, accom­mo­dat­ing them in the motorhome. 


Learn­ing by doing
The tak­ings are divid­ed up fair­ly. And the new­com­ers inci­den­tal­ly pick up a lot of prac­ti­cal tips from the cou­ple, who have over ten years‘ expe­ri­ence in sell­ing at fairs and mar­kets. Help­ing oth­ers is the basis of their own suc­cess – they have obtained new busi­ness part­ners and firm par­ty book­ings this way. 

In their opin­ion, ENERGETIX Bin­gen pro­vides a great busi­ness mod­el for inde­pen­dent dis­trib­u­tors and makes things very easy for its dis­trib­u­tors: „Any­one can do it“. And what if things some­times don’t run smooth­ly? Ulrike and Hans-Joachim then ask them­selves, „What can I change in myself to be suc­cess­ful?“ „We too have had to fight our way. We too have highs and not-so-highs,“ declares the suc­cess­ful cou­ple with a wry smile. „Nev­er give up!“ is their tried and test­ed mot­to. „No oth­er com­pa­ny mar­kets its prod­ucts the way ENERGETIX does. The com­pa­ny is so gen­er­ous, it makes things so easy. With ENERGETIX, I’ve real­ly hit the jack­pot,“ says Ulrike.

Con­cen­trat­ing one’s energy
Only if dis­trib­u­tors devote their undi­vid­ed ener­gy to the job can long-term suc­cess be assured. „Of course the stand must look attrac­tive, too!“


Suc­cess comes, they both agree, if you are active, if the enthu­si­asm is appar­ent and if the dis­trib­u­tors enjoy work­ing with peo­ple. Hav­ing some­thing hap­pen­ing at your stand also always helps. The cou­ple sees this as a real oppor­tu­ni­ty, because with ENERGETIX Bin­gen „you can run the busi­ness the way you want.“