Glaciers – geysers – volcanoes. The breathtaking training trip to Iceland

Those of you who were able to score high in the LOVE YOUR BUSINESS reward com­pe­ti­tion had the oppor­tu­ni­ty of secur­ing one of the cov­et­ed tick­ets to Iceland!

Gey­sers, fields of lava, breath­tak­ing water­falls and cliffs: prob­a­bly every­one can see the unique impres­sions of Ice­land’s nature in their mind’s eye. The trip exclu­sive­ly put togeth­er for this rewards com­pe­ti­tion – deliv­ered both excit­ing and won­der­ful­ly relax­ing days on Iceland.


The 14-strong ENERGETIX group head­ed by Alexan­der Link (CIO/COO) and Petra Schme­ing (ENERGETIX Events) launched their Ice­land adven­ture from their hotel, which was locat­ed in Fludir 100 kilo­me­tres to the east of the cap­i­tal of Reyk­javik, on 19 October.


Fri­day’s leisure­ly break­fast was fol­lowed by a trip to the geo­log­i­cal­ly and his­tor­i­cal­ly impor­tant Thingvel­lir Nation­al Park, which has been a UNESCO World Her­itage Site since 2004.

The group then made an excur­sion to see the famous Ice­land ponies before lat­er spend­ing time relax­ing body and mind in the between 38°C and 40°C hot spring waters of the „Secret Lagoon“. The peo­ple on Ice­land call it Gam­la Lau­g­in, ‘The Old Swim­ming Pool’, and it’s prob­a­bly the old­est swim­ming venue on the island.

ENERGETIX IslandENERGETIX IslandENERGETIX IslandThe next day’s exten­sive break­fast was fol­lowed by an adven­ture! The group trav­elled to Ice­land’s prob­a­bly most famous water­fall – Gull­foss – which is also called the ‘Gold­en Water­fall’. The water from the Hvi­ta glac­i­er riv­er drops in two cas­cades into a gorge that is 2.5 kilo­me­tres long and 70 metres deep. And the breath­tak­ing nature of the tour was con­tin­ued with a snow­mo­bile trip on Ice­land’s sec­ond largest glacier: Langjökull!

ENERGETIX IslandThe inter­na­tion­al group then stopped off for lunch at the Geyser Cen­tre before tak­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see Ice­land’s world-famous gey­sers up close. The evening meal, which simul­ta­ne­ous­ly con­sti­tut­ed the con­clu­sion of this great train­ing trip, was tak­en in the cen­tre of Ice­land’s enchant­i­ng cap­i­tal of Reykjavik.


The busi­ness part­ners start­ed their return jour­ney the next morn­ing with many fan­tas­tic impres­sions to take back home with them. Ice­land, every nature lover’s eldo­ra­do, amazed its vis­i­tors with its vari­ety and beau­ty. The oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy all this togeth­er will strength­en the par­tic­i­pants‘ team spir­it over the long term and will spur them on to con­tin­ue their efforts towards suc­cess … not least to secure anoth­er tick­et for one of ENER­GETIX’s cov­et­ed train­ing trips in the future!

Did our busi­ness part­ners see the north­ern lights, elves and trolls? Why not ask our hap­py Ice­land trav­ellers yourself?!

Here are the photos!


ENERGETIX likes to thank its busi­ness part­ners for their extra­or­di­nary per­for­mances with extra­or­di­nary rewards. That’s why spe­cial des­ti­na­tions with unfor­get­table pro­grammes await par­tic­i­pants. Why not take a look here at the dream des­ti­na­tions that ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners have already had the oppor­tu­ni­ty of visiting?