Fit during the lunch break – ENERGETIX employees put their break to good use

„Fit dur­ing the lunch break“ – this is the mot­to under which ENERGETIX has intro­duced fit­ness train­ing ses­sions for its staff. The mot­to is based on the com­pa­ny’s slo­gan, „Fit for the next decade“.


ENERGETIX is giv­ing its staff at its head­quar­ters in Bin­gen on the banks of the Riv­er Rhine the once-week­ly oppor­tu­ni­ty to train, loosen and stretch their mus­cles, in oth­er words to stay or get fit … and to do so eas­i­ly dur­ing the lunch break.


Reg­u­lar fit­ness train­ing with a pro­fes­sion­al coach
Under the pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance of per­son­al train­er, Julia Rit­tner (those who attend­ed the annu­al start-of-year event in Will­in­gen were already able to see Julia in action), the exer­cis­es will focus on using stretch bands and exer­cise balls: any­one can join in with this mod­er­ate train­ing because the exer­cis­es have been adapt­ed to the „Frog Team’s“ require­ments and needs.


The exer­cis­es with stretch bands and balls will be aimed at strength­en­ing the upper back, neck and lum­bar areas. Pre­cise­ly those regions that fre­quent­ly suf­fer in day-to-day work.

A pre­ven­tion oppor­tu­ni­ty that has been glad­ly tak­en up
The response is pleas­ing and many mem­bers of staff have tak­en up the offer and have joined in the fun. Due to the enthu­si­as­tic recep­tion, sev­er­al 30-minute train­ing ses­sions have now been organized.