ENERGETIX’s event to kick off 2018 in Willingen

It’s become the tra­di­tion to ring in ENER­GETIX’s new year in the win­ter-sports resort of Will­in­gen at the begin­ning of Jan­u­ary. It’s also become a tra­di­tion that the mot­to for the new year is announced there at the same time. The mot­to for 2018 is: Your time is NOW!

Your time is NOW! ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt 2018 Willingen

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt Willingen 2018

Roland Förster, Sole Share­hold­er and CEO of ENERGETIX, wel­comed his guests warmly.

Around 400 busi­ness part­ners and friends from all over Ger­many as well as Bel­gium, Den­mark, Lux­em­bourg, the Nether­lands, Aus­tria and Switzer­land – all full of excite­ment and great expec­ta­tions – trav­elled to the venue to launch ENER­GETIX’s new year together.

Whether you were there or not: why not take a look at the event? We’ve put togeth­er the most beau­ti­ful pho­tos and a short film for you!ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt-Event Willingen 2018

Joey Kel­ly spoke to his enthu­si­as­tic audi­ence about his tur­bu­lent 2017 and all the places he’d worn the pop­u­lar sportEX bracelets. Joey had the flex­i­ble sil­i­cone bracelets with inte­grat­ed mag­nets with him on his Ger­many run, the half marathon in Mainz, the RTL tele­vi­sion chan­nel’s telethon for chil­dren in need and dur­ing his many TV appearances!
ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt-Event Willingen 2018Joey’s many fans are real­ly excit­ed this year because the first three win­ners in the new com­pe­ti­tion will be able to wel­come Joey in per­son at one of their jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions in 2018.

Emo­tion­al awards

A new spe­cial award, accom­pa­nied by the crowd’s applause, was pre­sent­ed to the fastest new­com­ers and the best Inja sell­ers. At the same time, they shared how they were able to achieve these suc­cess­es with the oth­er participants.

The Spring / Sum­mer Col­lec­tion 2018 thrilled busi­ness part­ners with its many new and mod­ern cre­ations. Pre­sent­ed by Andreas Zwier­lein (design­er) and Jes­si­ca Schlick (mem­ber of the man­ag­ment), the inno­v­a­tive items of jew­ellery and the artis­ti­cal­ly pro­duced cat­a­logue went down very well with the audience.

The event con­tin­ued in an infor­ma­tive style with Brit­ta Rejek intro­duc­ing the new Show it! pre­sen­ta­tion system.

The revised Well­ness & more brochure with new jew­ellery for pets and oth­er ani­mals – the high­light being the pet blan­ket with sev­en inte­grat­ed mag­nets – were very well received.

The busi­ness part­ners were then able to take a clos­er look at the new prod­ucts dur­ing the breaks, includ­ing the Show it! pre­sen­ta­tion system.

The after­noon start­ed with impor­tant tips and inspi­ra­tion that were shared by suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ners. They came on to the stage to talk about how they were able to achieve their goals so suc­cess­ful­ly in 2017.

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt-Event Willingen 2018

Alexan­der Link

This was fol­lowed by Alexan­der Link’s pre­sen­ta­tion of new tools that have been designed to make sales and cus­tomer man­age­ment sig­nif­i­cant­ly easier.


Read­ing minds? Yes, with „Mind Hack­er“ Nor­man Alexander!

Nor­man Alexander

Engag­ing with your oppo­site pos­i­tive­ly and so being able to ini­ti­ate a sales pitch or chat about the busi­ness idea?

Best-sell­ing writer and coach Nor­man Alexan­der got the busi­ness part­ners involved to show them how to do so in a way that was very easy to follow!

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt-Event Willingen 2018

Awards for the best: the STARCLUB

The 60 best in the cat­e­gories of team-build­ing, over­all activ­i­ties and per­son­al sales, that’s who make up ENER­GETIX’s STARCLUB. Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link hon­oured every one of the STARCLUB mem­bers at the event in appre­ci­a­tion of their remark­able achievements.
A Walk of Fame with the names of the STARCLUB mem­bers who were present at the event also helped cre­ate a very spe­cial atmos­phere in their honour.

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt-Event Willingen 2018

The day’s pro­gramme was con­clud­ed with the launch of the new com­pe­ti­tion. The most attrac­tive reward in the top cat­e­go­ry among the many oth­er great prizes is a unique trip to St. Petersburg.

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt-Event Willingen 2018

The par­tic­i­pants were able to pur­chase raf­fle tick­ets whose pro­ceeds are going to Nepal and Rabindra Puri through­out the day. More than 2,000 euros were raised in this way – an amount that Roland Förster gen­er­ous­ly round­ed up to 3,000 euros.

The ener­gy was great and the spir­its were high at the par­ty that fol­lowed where ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness part­ners cel­e­brat­ed their bril­liant achieve­ments and an event that turned out to be a total success!

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt 2018 Willingen

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt 2018 Willingen

Biba Marseglia and Ulrich Lang

And those who had already trav­elled to the venue on Thurs­day and Fri­day were also able to enjoy an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly infor­ma­tive event that focused on the Inja dietary sup­ple­ment and the very pop­u­lar and moti­va­tion­al col­lage train­ing! Biba Marseglia and Uli Lang helped the busi­ness part­ners visu­al­ize their goals and devel­op the right atti­tudes for tack­ling them.

ENERGETIX Jahresauftakt 2018 Willingen

We’ve put the pho­tos for the col­lage train­ing togeth­er for you here.

We thank every­one – those on the stage and those behind the scenes – who made this kick-off meet­ing the great suc­cess that it was!