ENERGETIX Turkey’s spring event: ENERGETIX Turkey off to a flying start


ENER­GETIX’s spring launch was held at the begin­ning of March at the Green Park Hotel in Pendik (Istan­bul) in Turkey. Tol­ga Delik­taş, Head of the Turkey Office, said that all 82 par­tic­i­pants were real­ly enthu­si­as­tic about the 2014 spring / sum­mer col­lec­tion. The Lava and the Mas­cu­line lines were par­tic­u­lar­ly well received by the participants.

Serife Cigili

Tol­ga Delik­taş, Head of the Turkey Office, with Ser­ife Cig­ili, a suc­cess­ful distributor

Hon­our­ing the best:
pure emo­tion
Ahmet Kocoglu host­ed the excit­ed­ly await­ed event. Besides the pre­sen­ta­tion of the 2014 spring / sum­mer col­lec­tion and the shar­ing of impor­tant com­pa­ny news by Tol­ga Delik­taş, the award cer­e­mo­ny for the top dis­trib­u­tors was one of the even­t’s highlights.
The appre­ci­a­tion that the excel­lent results were being offi­cial­ly hon­oured was clear­ly tangible.

Gül Batir

Gül Batir



Ms Gül Batir was the first to be hon­oured in the PSV and GSV cat­e­gories: the ded­i­cat­ed dis­trib­u­tor achieved top results in Feb­ru­ary 2014. Mr Bora Yos­ma also deserves men­tion as an exam­ple of some­one who was par­tic­u­lar­ly suc­cess­ful in build­ing up his team and who has already risen to the posi­tion of Area Manager.

Bora Yosma

Bora Yos­ma



Proud per­for­mance
ENERGETIX Turkey cur­rent­ly has 850 reg­is­tered dis­trib­u­tors on its books. We con­grat­u­late the Turkey Office on its remark­able per­for­mance and wish it con­tin­ued success.


Fur­ther infor­ma­tion required? This link will take you direct­ly to the FROGBLOG arti­cle about the road show at the end of 2013: http://en.frogblog.tv/energetix-in-turkey-the-road-shows/