ENERGETIX Türkiye’s Catalogue Launch took place in the fashion centre of Istanbul on 3 October 2015. The new collection for 2016 was presented following the event’s official opening by Tolga Deliktaş, head of ENERGETIX in Turkey, and a presentation by Dr Thiel, the COO.
Greetings from Germany
Dr Thiel expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation – also on behalf of Roland Förster, Sole Shareholder and CEO, and Alexander Link, CIO – to Mr Deliktaş, his team and all the business partners in Turkey!
The day was filled with interesting presentations: successful business partners reported their experiences gained from working with their teams, the use of social media in sales and the winning of new business partners. The social aspects of team management were also illuminated and experiences with magnetic jewellery were exchanged.
Honouring the best
Great emphasis was also placed on honouring the best sales and team-building performances by business partners. It was clear to see that those recognized in this way were very pleased with their certificates and trophies – and were thus highly motivated when they returned home.
Pleasing growth
ENERGETIX Turkey is reporting pleasingly successful developments after only two years of being in business. This positive development was also reflected in the significantly higher number of participants compared with last year: 121 guests attended in 2014 but there were already 178 business partners in 2015 – and they had travelled from many parts of Turkey to attend the Catalogue Launch event, which was staged at the Titanic Hotel in Kartal-Istanbul. This year’s attendance represents an increase of around 47% – which is more than remarkable!
The very open, constructive and pleasant event demonstrated that ENERGETIX Turkey is well on its way towards becoming a successful company and an attractive employer in Turkey. We also wish it lots of continued success!