Brand-new: ENERGETIX app for Android mobile phones


The ENERGETIX app for Android mobile phones is now avail­able for ENERGETIX Bin­gen’s cus­tomers and dis­trib­u­tors. Free for smart­phones and tablets using the Android oper­at­ing sys­tem – sim­ply down­load it from Google Play!

From any­where and at any time: always every­thing to hand
The new and real­ly ver­sa­tile app allows users to down­load and browse ENERGETIX cat­a­logues, fly­ers, brochures and videos. So the app is a real­ly use­ful sales and pre­sen­ta­tion aid for dis­trib­u­tors. And thanks to the prac­ti­cal search func­tion, the down­loaded cat­a­logues may be browsed and searched by arti­cles and keywords.


This user-friend­ly tool has been divid­ed into two sec­tions for cus­tomers and dis­trib­u­tors and is avail­able in five lan­guages: Ger­man, Eng­lish, French, Dutch and Danish.

Suc­cess­ful start
The app has hard­ly been launched and it’s already been giv­en the first pos­i­tive five-star rat­ings on Google Play, for instance:

„Bodo Deich­mann — 9 March 2013: At last: Ener­getix to go for Android… Every­thing you need. So you don’t have to car­ry a big case around because you’ve got every­thing in your phone… Bril­liant ³“

„Corin­na Borg — 8 March 2013: Ener­getix app for Android: At last…! Now I can access all the impor­tant infor­ma­tion even when I’m on the move and can always be up to date when I’m with cus­tomers. Thank you!“

„Hot­line“ to FROGBLOG
The app allows Android smart­phone users to access FROGBLOG with „just a sin­gle click“. For more infor­ma­tion click here.

By the way: iPhone and iPad users may still of course down­load the ENERGETIX app for iPhones and iPads from iTunes.