Business Bootcamp selects ENERGETIX business partner Jeannette Bal as „entrepreneur of the week“

FROGBLOG_Jeannette Bal-van Schijndel

Jean­nette Bal-van Schijndel

The pro­fes­sion­al suc­cess sto­ry of ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ner Jean­nette Bal-van Schi­jn­del even caught the atten­tion of the Busi­ness Boot­camp, an acad­e­my that offers train­ing and coach­ing to sup­port free­lancers and small busi­ness­es on the road to suc­cess. It has now hon­oured the com­mit­ted Dutch­woman by nam­ing her entre­pre­neur of the week.

From sports mas­sage to foot reflex­ol­o­gy mas­sage: Jean­nette Bal-van Schi­jn­del is skilled in a wide range of mas­sage tech­niques and has been run­ning her own mas­sage prac­tice since 2000. Since 2002 she has also been work­ing as an ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ner. And a very suc­cess­ful one, too! She has found ways to com­bine the two activ­i­ties, for exam­ple by offer­ing mas­sages with the ENERGETIX mas­sage tool.

Jean­nette recent­ly demon­strat­ed her abil­i­ties at the Guten­berg Marathon in Mainz. She trav­elled there spe­cial­ly to treat the mem­bers of the ENERGETIX team to a mas­sage after the over 21 kilo­me­tre run.