A look behind the scenes: first impressions of the jewellery shoot for the 2014 spring brochure

_OR11946The pho­to shoot of the jew­ellery in ENER­GETIX’s eager­ly await­ed new spring col­lec­tion took place in Octo­ber. The stills of the new jew­ellery, which of course we can’t yet show you, were cre­at­ed at ENERGETIX Bin­gen’s com­pa­ny headquarters.

Here you can exclu­sive­ly see the first impres­sions of the shoot, in which pho­tog­ra­ph­er Oliv­er Rad­kau and Franziska Zobel per­fect­ly show­cased the new jew­ellery of the 2014 spring brochure.

The pho­tos are once again first rate: look for­ward to a great ENERGETIX spring brochure!

