„A gigantic show“ — Tanja Bülter reports online on the 2013 ENERGETIX Catalogue Launch in Berlin

„Mag­net­ic jew­ellery with star appeal“ was the head­ing with which host and fash­ion and soci­ety expert Tan­ja Bül­ter opened her own blog report on this year’s ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch, at which she pre­sent­ed the new jewellery.

The like­able Berlin­er writes enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly about how she expe­ri­enced the Launch and how she found the „ENERGETIX fam­i­ly“ and the stars behind the scenes. Here is an extract from the fash­ion expert’s report:


Tan­ja Bülter

„If a jew­ellery brand has megas­tars like Ronan Keat­ing or Kevin Cost­ner under con­tract and orga­nizes a mar­ket­ing event that is attend­ed by 1500 peo­ple from more than 30 coun­tries, it is clear that we are talk­ing not about a run-of-the-mill brand but a megabrand! (…)Franziska Knuppe (…) hap­pi­ly tells me back­stage about the pho­to shoot in Ire­land, where the singer was accom­pa­nied by his whole fam­i­ly. Prac­ti­cal­ly a real fam­i­ly happening!
And that’s how I feel, too – part of the Ener­getix fam­i­ly, at whose head sit the three senior exec­u­tives Roland Förster, Klaus-Peter Thiel and Alexan­der Link, who have remained com­plete­ly down-to-earth despite the com­pa­ny’s suc­cess! (…) A gigan­tic show has been pre­pared and I feel a bit the way I did exact­ly 7 years ago when I was able to watch the rehearsals for the Bam­bi Awards at the Estrel (which fea­tured Michael Jack­son!). Every­thing is per­fect­ly staged!“