Catalogue launch questionnaire: thank you for the feedback

The high response to the 2012 Cat­a­logue Launch ques­tion­naire was very grat­i­fy­ing: we were delight­ed not only by the great enthu­si­asm but also by the con­struc­tive crit­i­cism.

Thank you for the large num­ber of returns, which will enable us to plan future events even bet­ter and opti­mize them if nec­es­sary.

The win­ners of the draw for three sets of 100 € jew­ellery were:

Ener­getix Ver­trieb Grund GmbH, Rüs­selsheim, Ger­many
Rain­er Buck, Horb, Ger­many
San­dra Mas­troian­ni, Diels­dorf, Switzer­land

We hope the jew­ellery sets give the lucky win­ners a lot of plea­sure!